10 Practices to Experience Childbirth as a Spiritual Journey

Childbirth is a Sacred Journey to welcome a child into the world. The Innate Wisdom within the mother’s body knows just how to grow a human baby. Every organ, system, 60,000 miles of blood vessels, each delicious little toe… every magnificent detail develops in perfect rhythm, brilliant sequence and astonishing complexity. This is the sacred mystery of creation!
With the advancement of technology, pregnancy, labor and birth are often seeing as a medical emergency. Technology gives the false impression of explaining the unexplainable. In fact, in an effort to understand it, medicalized birth attempts to control it. In that model mothers become patients navigating a system that often disconnects them from their inner wisdom.
Culturally we’re wired to accept these fearful misconceptions about labor — TV shows and movies often portray childbirth as a horror show with women screaming in gut-wrenching pain.
In other words, women and men are getting their childbirth education from this sensationalized media. Consequently fear based cultural messages are deeply ingrained in a generation of women and men who are taught not to trust their intuition, their own bodies or their inner resources.
According to Grantly Dick-Read, author of Childbirth Without Fear, fear is the source of pain in labor. Labor pain is not just physical; it is interpreted by our minds in accordance with our cultural messages and life experiences.
You can empty your cup of fearful misconceptions by nurturing your mind-body-spirit. Birth IS a mystery, a Sacred Spiritual Journey to welcome a child into the world. Reconnecting with your own sacred nature is key to reclaiming birth as a normal, natural, sacred part of life.
Even when medical interventions are necessary for the safety of mom-baby, the Sacred Nature of birth can be preserved.
10 Childbirth Preparation Practices for Body, Mind & Spirit
1. TURN OFF the TV and take a social media break.
Eckhart Tolle wrote in his book A New Earth, that the average American by the time s/he is 60 years old has spent 15 years staring at a TV screen. Imagine what could you do with those 15 years! Can you picture what that number would be if we add the hours we spend on Facebook? Besides freeing enormous amount of time, turning off media will allow you to be more selective with the information and energy you bring into your pregnancy. Each time we turn on a device we are exposed to whatever other people want to throw at us.
2. EMBRACE pregnancy and birth as a Spiritual Journey for the mother, father/partner and womb baby.
Birth is a mystery, perfect and larger than us, regardless of the outcome. We birth the way we live. Spend time in meditation, prayer, yoga, dance, nature, laughing, making love, whatever brings Joy to your heart, connects you to your Higher Self and builds your spiritual muscle. Bringing presence into the most mundane activity turns the experience into a spiritual practice.
3. FIND your tribe – Motherhood is not a one-woman show.
Mothers need elders, mentors and sisters to navigate motherhood. Finding a tribe even before conception will provide you with support and resources to have an easier transition into motherhood. Social media has a place, yet having a local, in person group to rely on is priceless. Isolation is one cause of depression. Find your tribe now!
4. NURTURE your connection with your womb baby.
Womb babies are conscious beings. They are pure Essence connected to your pure Essence. Spend time nurturing a loving, joy-full relationship with your womb child –talking, singing, reading, listening to music, massaging your belly. Even in the middle of a crazy day you can take a moment to breathe and connect with your womb baby. Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your belly. Feel the inhale breath surrounding your baby. Feel the exhale softening your body. Just two breaths is a great place to start.
5. RECOGNIZE that your womb child is an active participant in his/her birth.
Acknowledge his/her participation in the birth process. Sometimes babies are born the way they need to, not necessarily the way we want them to. Regardless of what you do.
6. CREATE your Birth Vision and your Family Vision.
Spend time with yourself and your partner away from frantic routines, reflecting on your new parenting role. Creating a family together is a conscious act. Children grow in the space between the parents. What kind of space are you and your partner creating together?
7. TRUST that you have within yourself the inner resources to face whatever each moment brings your way.
This is more profound and true than trusting birth or even trusting your body. You have inner resources that you are not aware off because you have not needed them. They will be there for you to access when the moment requires you to. You are more powerful than you imagine!
8. CLEAR past trauma.
Trauma can get stored in the cells. During childbirth women are in a powerfully receptive state. Trauma not properly addressed can surface and interfere with the birth process. Integrative Hypnotherapy and Birth Story Healing sessions are two tools I successfully share with my clients to clear birth trauma and remove fear.
9. PREPARE as an endurance athlete would.
Childbirth is possibly the most physically demanding experience you will encounter. Rest, meditation, hypnosis, nutrition, proper supplementation, dance, yoga, exercise, massage, CranioSacral therapy, chiropractic adjustments, etc. are all part of your preparation for birth. A depleted woman will become a depleted mother.
10. KNOW your body.
Practice SELF perineal massage to familiarize yourself with new sensations on your perineum. Explore your pelvis in different positions. Experience what positions open your pelvic outlet. Feeling comfortable in your body will ease your childbirth experience. Spinning Babies is a great resource.
We are all the guardians of this sacred event. Regardless of the location or circumstances, it is imperative to safeguard the sacredness of birth. Conscious birth is a doorway to peace on earth.
NOTE: A version of this article first appeared on MindBodyGreen.com
Take a moment to watch this TED video by mathematician and image-maker Alexander Tsiaras. He shares a powerful medical visualization, showing human development from conception to birth and beyond.
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