Break Free from Anger, Guilt, Regret, Grief and Anxiety

Hi! I’m Evelyn Ojeda, I guide women like you to achieve fast, positive, lasting change and
transform their lives in just a few sessions.

Women I Serve

New Moms and Moms To Be

Feeling alone, lost, overwhelmed, and confused by contradicting thoughts and feelings? I offer guidance, a new perspective, and tools to navigate the profound physical, emotional, and psychological changes of the pregnancy and postpartum journey.
This is a judgment-free zone!

Moms Who Experienced a Disappointing or Traumatic Birth

Your experience might not have been what you expected, and you might feel stuck, confused, or heartbroken. Whether you are at any stage of postpartum, you are preparing to give birth again, or you are recovering from perinatal loss, YOUR experience matters, and YOU matter. 

Women Experiencing Stress & Anxiety

Any woman looking to clear patterns of stress and anxiety at the root level and learn easy ways to rewire their brain and regulate their nervous system that will transform their life.

Birth Professionals

Clear limiting believes, eliminate secondhand trauma, and prevent burnout. I am here to guide you to find a new perspective and eliminate troubling thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that might keep you worried and stuck. Entering someone’s birthing space is a sacred calling. My job is to clear the cobwebs for you to be your most brilliant self.

What Clients are Saying

Let's Work Together

Transform Birth Trauma

Get Unstuck After a Disappointing Birth

Childbirth can be unexpectedly challenging, overwhelming, and in some instances, even heartbreaking. A mother may be left with unanswered questions and feelings of disappointment, deep sadness, regret, anger, blame, or guilt about the events surrounding the birth of her baby.

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When something is painful or disturbing, it slams into our awareness and leaves a lasting impression. Even when the experience is finished, deeper parts of the mind may continue to respond as if the disturbing event is still happening, just happened, or is about to happen. Sometimes all at once.

Clearing disturbing thoughts and painful emotions after a difficult birth opens space in your body, mind, and spirit to be fully present in your life and the lives of your children.

Birth Trauma Resolution sessions are also beneficial if you are preparing to give birth again after a difficult birth and for first-time moms who want to release fears in preparation for birth.

Birth partners also benefit from these sessions. Every person who attends a birth has their own birth story to tell.

birth of the mother

Navigate The Transition to Motherhood with Transformational Mentoring

When a baby is born, so is the mother. Matrescence, the birth of the Mother, is the developmental transition women experience as they become mothers. Similar to adolescence, it involves profound physical, emotional, and psychological changes.

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Matrescence encompasses the transformation of identity, body, relationships, and social roles, and it can be a time of joy as well as significant stress and adjustment.

There is a part of us that dies to make room for the mother to be born. The mother is brand new, as she never existed before and she is as new as the baby.

Transformational Mentoring provides mothers with a different perspective and experienced support and guidance as they navigate the changes of the transition to motherhood.

Release Stress and Anxiety

Hypnosis to Release Stress and Anxiety at Any Life Stage

While the stress response can be beneficial, when it becomes chronic (long-term) it can cause emotional and behavioral issues, and wear and tear in the body. Shifting your perception of stress as energy is life-changing.

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As a hypnotist, I think of anxiety as a habituated pattern of thought, sometimes a tenacious one. It’s your mind wanting to keep you safe. Sometimes these patterns are programmed even before we can speak.

With hypnosis, we can fast and painlessly find the root of the stress and anxiety habit. The good news about programs is that they can be reprogrammed.

Once the patterns are cleared, you can learn easy ways to rewire your brain and strengthen healthy neuropathways to cause new ways of thinking and behaving that will transform your life. I can teach you how!