Where is the Red Tent Collective?

A dream is a dream is a Dream… and my Third Act
For as long as I can remember, I dreamed of opening a place where women would gather for growth, healing and community. In 2015 I knew that it was “now-or-never” time and the Red Tent Collective was born. My vision was to create a collective of women, a tribe, providing many services, rituals and ceremony.
It turned out, my calling extended beyond the boundaries of the Red Tent Collective, as it happened previously with the Peaceful Birth Project. I discovered that, although I continue to love on moms in all stages of their journey, I also love creating safe, healing space for dads, birth professionals, and women in all stages of life.
With this greater clarity, I want to communicate to the people I serve who I am now in this stage of my life. I am in the fullness of what Jane Fonda refers to as the Third Act, aging as the upward ascension of the human spirit, bringing us into wisdom, wholeness and authenticity.
I am so glad you are here!
My heartfelt appreciation to all of you who have called on my services over the years. You inspire me and challenge me to grow. I am a better person because of you!
I will maintain the same physical location at 1597 Main St in Dunedin, FL, and also continue the groups, gatherings and events that you love. My door continues to be open to women in all stages of life who are seeking community, support, mentoring, healing and personal growth.
My goal with this rebranding is to make it easier for you to find me and to clarify what I offer… a soulful, heart-centered practice that draws on many elements that have enriched my life and the lives of my clients throughout the years as I truly seek to offer you the very best of me.
I work with women all over the world who are ready to create their best life in all stages of their journey.
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